The Knot is using the model of David. A. Kolb as starting point to work with experiential learning. This concept is using the 4 elements: concrete experience, observe and reflect, forming abstract concepts, experimenting and reviewing.
Concrete experience
Going through different exercises, participants are invited to gather concrete new experiences around a certain theme(s).
Observation and reflection
After finishing an exercise, an in-depth reflection happens on the experiences that people went through. What did we saw, what happened, how did we behave, what did we feel!
Formulating abstract concepts
From the observations and reflections, we try to find common explanations/behavior and we try to transfer these new insides towards our current work environment. Concrete experiences are discussed and new concepts are clarified.
Experimenting and testing
New acquired skills/behavior will be implemented and tested in new situations. If needed the process is adjusted.
Experiential learning programs can be used to:
- deal with conflicts within groups,
- strenghten working in teams,
- work around conflictmanagment,
- work around personal- and professional relations,
- …
Experiential learning stimulates motivation and participation of persons when they gain (new) knowledge and skills.
Last modified: 13 December 2016