
The intercultural dimension of the training course!

The intercultural dimension within this training course will be an important focus, what has more implicit, but nevertheless a strong role and character, addressed during the whole course. The intercultural dimension can be described through the following 5 aspects:
  1. Diversity and variety in the represented countries: We have chosen to work together with several countries. This will create a big amount of diversity and variety in approaches between all of us.  Central Europe, meets Southern Europe and northern Europe.
  2. The specific focus of this training as a Long Term Training course spread over 2 years’ timewhere the participants group, partners and trainers will work together over a long period. People will become friends, and learn from each other more deeply when time flies in between the different meetings.
  3. The fact that all these countries will be together at the training course will imply a huge amount of intercultural learning. Sharing realities, thoughts, exchanging ideas, backgrounds, conditions of living and working in the youth field and outdoor education will enlarge the scale of the intercultural dimension during the training course.
  4. Intercultural learning as an ongoing process during the whole training course: During the whole training course participants will be challenged to express their thoughts, ideas and ways of thinking about experiential learning, quality of outdoor education and youth work. The methodologies chosen will give space to exchange and share those aspects in groups of different size and complexion.
  5. The concept of experiential learning: Since the whole training course of 2 years is built up to improve quality of youth work by rising competences to use outdoor education and experiential learning methods and a common strategy also taking in consideration aspects of how to implement this topic in realistic projects with young people, it requires that the participants understand the different realities in which we all live in and what impact do they have on youth work in different European countries. Through this way we’re going to search for similarities, understanding and ways to break down the whole concept of experiential learning and outdoor education into conceivable and workable parts.
  6. The multiplication effect on future projects: since the participants will go through an important intercultural experience, this will have an impact when they return back at home and work in their organizations in between the different training elements. They will start to cooperate, share and implement their new knowledge into projects. That moment will broaden and deepen the intercultural dimension of the whole experience.
All these aspects together will pose a challenge to the whole group, the steering committee and the team but will be managed towards creating the climate of understanding and accepting each other as well as building a new quality in European youth cooperation.


Last modified: 3 December 2016

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